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Book Haul!

Hey you!

So, if you've read the About Us section, you'll know that I loooooove to read!

I can honestly spend hours looking at a book, if it is really good. And I can most definitely spend a lot of money on them!

And since I've collected a good amount of them for the last few months (mostly thanks to Lisbon's Book Fair (Feira do Livro de Lisboa), which I have been going to every year since I was like 5, and the wonderful/dreadful discovery of this site called Book Depository), I've decided to do a book haul for you guys!!

(note: lots of the titles are in Portuguese, because I got them in Portugal... LOL! But worry not, they're translated to english so you can easily find the book wherever you are!)

Paper Towns by John Green

Pretty sure everyone knows this one (maybe because of the fact it has been turned into a movie...), and I know I'm pretty late to the craze over John Green. But, probably because The Fault In Our Stars didn't sound really like my cup of tea, I just hadn't felt very curious to read anything from him.

But, a while back, I saw the trailer for the Paper Towns movie, and it intrigued me! And, since I'm a nerd like that, I decided to get the book!!

The White Queen by Philippa Gregory

I've been meaning to buy this one for a really long time. I heard Elle Fowler talk about it in a video forever ago, and was very curious since then. Also, I'm about to start watching the miniseries (because I just finished Pillars Of The Earth -another book I have to buy - and I need another historical series to fill me up!).

Fashion Babylon by Imogen Edwards-Jones

I'm a fashion lover (obviously... you read this blog right??), and I read from another blogger, who I would love to give credit to but I totally forgot the blog it saw it in (ups!), that this was a must read if you wanted to have a real look into the fashion world.

So ofc I bought it!

The Selection by Kiera Cass

Another inhabitant of my "Want To Read" list for a while now!

I'm very into dystopian type of books, and this is said to be one of the best, so it was a must read! Don't really know why it took me this long... *clue: €*

And may I just say: that cover!!!

The Painter Of Shadows by Esteban Martin

This one I'm veeery curious about!

It was one of my usual "I have never heard about this book in my life but it sounds cool so I need it" situations that usually happen to me at the Book Fair.

It's a little dark, has a lot of mystery and it's main character is Picasso!! Who doesn't love Picasso??

Girl Online by Zoe Sugg

I've been a huge Zoella fan for a so long, so when I heard she was coming out with a book I just had to get it!

It's true that YouTubers making books is kind of becoming a trend, and that can be kind of a turn off, but I read Elle and Blair's first book a while back and was pleasantly surprised! It was a really good Summer read!

So, I'm hoping this one is too!!

The Pillars Of The World by Anne Bishop

This was a recommendation from a friend.

She has read other books from this author and swears by them, and since we have an extremely similar taste in books, I decided to give it a try!

Plus, can you really say no to that cover?? It alone is a work of art!

The Dream Of Taj Mahal by Christian Petit

Another totally random pick! I read the back of the cover and felt very intrigued, so decided to get it! As simple as that!

It historical, it takes place in India, it's about this man who has travelled a lot of the world, and it's about the building of the Taj Mahal.

Sound pretty good, right?

Well everyone, that's it for today!

If there's any book you would like me to review once I finish, let me know in the comments!

And if you feel like keeping up with my readings, add me on Goodreads!

Good readings everyone!!

Heart Hugs and Kisses

Ella <3

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